Business Central Localizations

As I’m from area where official Business Central localizations (made by Microsoft) don’t exist (CEE), it is not so strange that this topic is very important for me personally as well as for all partners I cooperate with and their existing and potential clients. Of course we have some partner based localizations as we had for NAV earlier, but this topic is important… no localization – no clients :). And yes, I wanted to make it today as we just got new release where we announced a few new localizations.

Based on available sources from official Microsoft site and information from AppSource, I created the following map (keep in mind I’m not geographer and maybe map is not 100% accurate :)) and table with details.

This map is good as an overview where Business Central is available. If you asking me if I’m satisfy, answer is yes and no. I’m happy we got so many partner based localizations developed as extensions, even the most of people suspected it will be possible. But when we talk about numbers, it is enough to remind that we had 196 Dynamics NAV localizations (info from one of previous Directions). Compared with that, we need more localizations. One of the reasons NAV was so popular was that we had localization in almost all countries and if we want to have Business Central SaaS with the same popularity, we need to have more localizations. In a meantime, if you are from country where we don’t have localization and you want to move BC to the cloud, I can recommend to read this article.

OK, now in more details. There is a table with all available localizations and who made them as well as together with available languages. You will see, this table is interesting (download table to get full resolution picture). You can find the most of these details on the official Microsoft site, but I tried to make it easier for understanding making combination of localizations and languages from different sources.

Just to avoid some misunderstanding, these information are based on official data from October 3rd 2020 and of course, it is subject of changing.

Dynamics 365 Business Central Localizations

When Dynamics 365 Business Central started from April 2nd this year, we had Microsoft official localizations for the first 14 countries: US, Canada, UK, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. From this July we’ve got 2 another countries Australia and New Zealand and with October release we will get 3 new official localizations for Iceland, Norway and Mexico. It will be in a total 19 Microsoft official localizations +W1.

But on Inspire we could hear that we can expect partner led localizations and that Microsoft wants to encourage partners all around the world to start with partner model localizations and to publish them on AppSource. In a meantime we’ve got 3 first partner’s localizations for Korea, UAE and South Africa and they are already available on AppSource.

D365BC localizations

On Inspire and Business Apps Summit this year, we could see announced some another countries with partner led localizations and we will have the more and more in the next few months (it will not be a fair to emphasize some specific country, but we can find them on AppSource soon).

If partners want to start with localization process in their country, the best what they can do is to visit the following page:

All necessary information for submitting and development are available there.

The future of AppSource

With Dynamics 365, AppSource was introduced as platform for Apps exchange. This was a place where you could find apps based on product type and industrial solution. Now we can find more and more Apps there.

But now, AppSource got a new additional reason of existing. This is not only place where you can find App. Now, you can also find a good consulting service there (and not only for D365, but also for PowerBI). You just need to choose Consulting Services and you can find a list of them:


Or if you are located on Apps, you will also see that you can choose some of existing consulting services, related with your product.


With these possibilities, now you can be nore close to your partners, and not only as ISV, but also as consulting implementator. With this, the way of how this kind of business works will be dramatically changed, and for all partners it will be good idea to accept this new approach as soon as possible.

If you want to publish your services, you can go to the List on AppSource and choose “Grow your business – offer your implementation services” and you can find a manual how to do it as Microsoft system integrator, because you still need to meet some conditions. But if you succeed, you can offer different consulting services in fixed scope and with a fixed duration and become well known globally with your services.

How to start with Accountant Portal in Dynamics 365

If you have accountant agency and want to take care about a lot of clients, you can use this new feature in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations Business Edition (too long name: I’ll use D365FOBE). It is really good to encourage your clients to start with Dynamics 365. After that you can use your new Accountant Portal to manage all your clients using free license for external accountants.

To do it, you need to have your own D365FOBE subscription and install this App from AppSource. Open Extension Management and go to AppSource and choose Account Portal (click on ‘Get it now’).


When you finish installation process, you need to sign out and sign in again. Then you will be noticed that Account Portal is installed and system will ask you if you want to accept user personalization changes to enable this feature (click Yes). Then you can continue with Next and Next to start 30-days trial.

After that, you will get a different home page, where you can add new clients, choosing one of the options: Enter Clients, Manage Clients…


Then, you need to create client and the main details. The most important field is ‘Client URL’, where you need to enter the URL destination for your client’s instance for D365FOBE. When you finish with this, you need to click on ‘Test Client URL’ actions to check if everything is OK.


After filling other details about your client, you can close this page and see your new client on your home page.


Here, you will see the basic clients information and you can choose to go to the client. . From this page, accountants can drill down to their clients’ specific transaction details. These were only the basic steps how to start.

Microsoft Dynamics 365!

Today, Microsoft published story about Microsoft Dynamics 365 on Partner Source and on their blog. And in the same moment, they’ve also published Microsoft AppSource. What is this?


Microsoft says that this represents the end-to-end intelligent business applications in the cloud and it will be worldwide available in the fall of this year. Generally Dynamics 365 will bring the best of Dynamics ERP and CRM solutions and currently it is based on Project “Madeira” (but not only; we can expect the enterprise edition of Dynamics 365 based on AX) and CRM Online, but not only on them. It will provide the main business processes as Finance, Sales, Customer Service, Field Service, Operations, Marketing and Project Service Automation.

And even more. This is not closed system. This system is natively integrated with big data and IoT, Power BI, Cortana Intelligence, Microsoft Flow,… everything what you need and when you need. Classic Software-As-A-Service story, but very advanced. I think I don’t need to spend my words about integration with Office 365; this integration will be extremely deep (you already saw just a part of this in my previous article about using “Madeira” with Outlook).


And of course, if you want to know something more about it, the best is to attend on WPC during the July. Microsoft will provide three session about this new solution. You can also see more about it on Summit this year (Scott Guthrie will speak about it) and I hope on Directions.

You can expect more from me about this soon. But this is just small the first introduction about new solution in the family; remember this name – Microsoft Dynamics 365.